Source code for nunavut.lang._language

# Copyright (C) OpenCyphal Development Team  <>
# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Language-specific support in nunavut.

This module contains the Language object and supporting types.
import abc
import functools
import importlib
import logging
import pathlib
import types
import typing

import pydsdl

from nunavut._dependencies import Dependencies, DependencyBuilder
from nunavut._utilities import ResourceType, YesNoDefault, empty_list_support_files, iter_package_resources

from ._config import LanguageConfig, VersionReader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs] class Language(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Facilities for generating source code for a specific language. Concrete Language classes must be implemented by the language support package below lang and should be instantiated using :class:`nunavut.lang.LanguageClassLoader`. :param str module_name: The name of the :mod:`nunavut.lang` module that contains the concrete language type and its resources. :param LanguageConfig config: All configuration as defined by the properties.yaml schema. :param kwargs: Opaque arguments passed through to the target :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` object. See all "WKLA" constants on this class for well-known keyword arguments. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang._language import Language from nunavut.lang._language import _GenericLanguage from unittest.mock import MagicMock mock_config = MagicMock() try: my_lang = _GenericLanguage("foo", mock_config) # module must be within 'nunavut' assert False except ValueError: pass try: my_lang = _GenericLanguage("", mock_config) # module must be within 'nunavut.lang' assert False except ValueError: pass try: my_lang = _GenericLanguage("", mock_config) # module must be within 'nunavut.lang' assert False except ValueError: pass my_lang = _GenericLanguage("", mock_config) assert == 'foo' """ # Well-Known Configuration Values (WKCV) # These are language configuration values the base Language class will look for. WKCV_DEFINITION_FILE_EXTENSION = "extension" WKCV_NAMESPACE_FILE_STEM = "namespace_file_stem" WKCV_SUPPORT_NAMESPACE = "support_namespace" WKCV_ENABLE_STROPPING = "enable_stropping" WKCV_HAS_STANDARD_NAMESPACE_FILES = "has_standard_namespace_files" WKCV_STABLE_SUPPORT = "stable_support" WKCV_NAMED_TYPES = "named_types" WKCV_NAMED_VALUES = "named_values" WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS = "options" WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTION_DEFAULTS = "defaults"
[docs] @classmethod def default_filter_id_for_target(cls, instance: typing.Any) -> str: """ The default transformation of any object into a string. :param any instance: Any object or data that either has a name property or can be converted to a string. :return: Either ``str(`` if the instance has a name property or just ``str(instance)`` """ if hasattr(instance, "name"): return str( else: return str(instance)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | LIFECYCLE AND DATA MODEL # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def __init__( self, language_module_name: str, config: LanguageConfig, **kwargs: typing.Any ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._globals: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None self._section = language_module_name if not self._section.startswith(LanguageClassLoader.MODULE_PREFIX): raise ValueError(f"Unknown module name for language: {self._section}") self._language_name = LanguageClassLoader.to_language_name(self._section) self._config = config self._filters: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] = {} self._tests: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] = {} self._uses: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] = {} self._language_options = self._validate_language_options( config.get_config_value_as_dict(self._section, self.WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, {}), config.get_config_value_as_dict(self._section, self.WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS, {}), ) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> typing.Any: """ Any attribute access to a Language object will return the regular properties and any globals defined for the language. Because of this do not extend properties on this object in a way that will clash with the globals it defines (e.g. typename_ or valuetoken_ should not be used as the start of attribute names). """ try: return self.get_globals()[name] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e) from e def __str__(self) -> str: return self._language_name def _validate_language_options( self, defaults: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], options: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Subclasses may override this method to validate language options. It will be invoked once by the base class constructor before setting the language options property. :param defaults: The a section of the language configuration that contains default values for options. The format of this section is language-specific :param options: The options to validate. :return: The validated or modified options. :throws: ValueError if the options are invalid. """ return options def _validate_globals(self, globals_map: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Subclasses may override this method to populate additional language-specific globals :param globals_map: The globals map to validate. :return: The validated or modified globals map. :throws: ValueError if the globals are invalid. """ return globals_map # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PROPERTIES # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ @property def extension(self) -> str: """ The extension to use for files generated in this language. """ return self._config.get_config_value(self._section, self.WKCV_DEFINITION_FILE_EXTENSION) @property def namespace_output_stem(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ The name of a namespace file for this language. """ return self._config.get_config_value(self._section, self.WKCV_NAMESPACE_FILE_STEM, None) @property def name(self) -> str: """ The name of the language used by the :mod:`nunavut.lang` module. """ return self._language_name @property def support_namespace(self) -> typing.List[str]: """ The hierarchical namespace used by the support software. The property is a dot separated string when specified in configuration. This property returns that value split into namespace components with the first identifier being the first index in the array, etc. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import Language, LanguageContextBuilder lang_cpp = ( LanguageContextBuilder(include_experimental_languages=True) .set_target_language("cpp") .set_target_language_configuration_override(Language.WKCV_SUPPORT_NAMESPACE, "") .create() .get_target_language() ) assert len(lang_cpp.support_namespace) == 2 assert lang_cpp.support_namespace[0] == 'foo' assert lang_cpp.support_namespace[1] == 'bar' """ namespace_str = self._config.get_config_value(self._section, self.WKCV_SUPPORT_NAMESPACE, default_value="") return namespace_str.split(".") @property def enable_stropping(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not to strop identifiers for this language. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_bool(self._section, self.WKCV_ENABLE_STROPPING) @property def has_standard_namespace_files(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the language defines special namespace files as part of its core standard (e.g. python's __init__). """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_bool(self._section, self.WKCV_HAS_STANDARD_NAMESPACE_FILES) @property def stable_support(self) -> bool: """ Whether support for this language is designated 'stable', and not experimental. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_bool(self._section, self.WKCV_STABLE_SUPPORT) @property def named_types(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, str]: """ Get a map of named types to the type name to emit for this language. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_dict(self._section, self.WKCV_NAMED_TYPES, default_value={}) @property def named_values(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, str]: """ Get a map of named values to the token to emit for this language. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_dict(self._section, self.WKCV_NAMED_VALUES, default_value={}) # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | METHODS # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def get_support_module(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Tuple[int, int, int], typing.Optional["types.ModuleType"]]: """ Returns the module object for the language support files. :return: A tuple of module name, x.y.z module version, and the module object itself. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang._language import Language, _GenericLanguage, LanguageConfig from unittest.mock import MagicMock mock_config = MagicMock() mock_module_name= LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("cpp") my_lang = _GenericLanguage(mock_module_name, mock_config) my_lang._section = LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("cpp") module_name, support_version, _ = my_lang.get_support_module() assert module_name == LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("cpp") + ".support" assert support_version[0] == 1 """ module_name = f"{self._section}.support" try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) version_tuple = VersionReader.read_version(module) return (module_name, version_tuple, module) except (ImportError, ValueError): # No serialization support for this language"No serialization support for selected target. Cannot retrieve module.") return (module_name, (0, 0, 0), None)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_dependency_builder(self, for_type: pydsdl.Any) -> DependencyBuilder: """ Get a dependency builder for the given type. """ return DependencyBuilder(for_type)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_includes(self, dep_types: Dependencies) -> typing.List[str]: """ Get a list of include paths that are specific to this language and the options set for it. :param Dependencies dep_types: A description of the dependencies includes are needed for. :return: A list of include file paths. The list may be empty if no includes were needed. """
[docs] def filter_id(self, instance: typing.Any, id_type: str = "any") -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Produces a valid identifier in the language for a given object. The encoding may not be reversible. :param any instance: Any object or data that either has a name property or can be converted to a string. :param str id_type: A type of identifier. This is different for each language. For example, for C this value can be 'typedef', 'macro', 'function', or 'enum'. Use 'any' to apply stropping rules for all identifier types to the instance. :return: A token that is a valid identifier in the language, is not a reserved keyword, and is transformed in a deterministic manner based on the provided instance. """ return self.default_filter_id_for_target(instance)
[docs] def filter_short_reference_name( self, t: pydsdl.CompositeType, stropping: YesNoDefault = YesNoDefault.DEFAULT, id_type: str = "any" ) -> str: """ Provides a string that is a shorted version of the full reference name omitting any namespace parts of the type. :param pydsdl.CompositeType t: The DSDL type to get the reference name for. :param YesNoDefault stropping: If DEFAULT then the stropping value configured for the target language is used else this overrides that value. :param str id_type: A type of identifier. This is different for each language. For example, for C this value can be 'typedef', 'macro', 'function', or 'enum'. Use 'any' to apply stropping rules for all identifier types to the instance. """ short_name = f"{t.short_name}_{t.version.major}_{t.version.minor}" if YesNoDefault.test_truth(stropping, self.enable_stropping): return self.filter_id(short_name, id_type) return short_name
[docs] def get_config_value(self, key: str, default_value: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Get an optional language property from the language configuration. :param str key: The config value to retrieve. :param default_value: The value to return if the key was not in the configuration. If provided this method will not raise. :type default_value: typing.Optional[str] :return: Either the value from the config or the default_value if provided. :rtype: str :raises: KeyError if the section or the key in the section does not exist and a default_value was not provided. """ return self._config.get_config_value(self._section, key, default_value)
[docs] def get_config_value_as_bool(self, key: str, default_value: bool = False) -> bool: """ Get an optional language property from the language configuration returning a boolean. :param str key: The config value to retrieve. :param bool default_value: The value to use if no value existed. :return: The config value as either True or False. :rtype: bool """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_bool(self._section, key, default_value)
[docs] def get_config_value_as_dict( self, key: str, default_value: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Get a language property parsing it as a map with string keys. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang._language import LanguageConfig, LanguageClassLoader, Language, _GenericLanguage config = LanguageConfig() config.add_section('nunavut.lang.c') config.set('nunavut.lang.c', 'foo', {'one': 1}) lang_c = _GenericLanguage(LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name('c'), config) assert lang_c.get_config_value_as_dict('foo')['one'] == 1 assert lang_c.get_config_value_as_dict('bar', {'one': 2})['one'] == 2 :param str key: The config value to retrieve. :param default_value: The value to return if the key was not in the configuration. If provided this method will not raise a KeyError nor a TypeError. :type default_value: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] :return: Either the value from the config or the default_value if provided. :rtype: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] :raises: KeyError if the key does not exist and a default_value was not provided. :raises: TypeError if the value exists but is not a dict and a default_value was not provided. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_dict(self._section, key, default_value)
[docs] def get_config_value_as_list( self, key: str, default_value: typing.Optional[typing.List] = None ) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: """ Get a language property parsing it as a map with string keys. :param str key: The config value to retrieve. :param default_value: The value to return if the key was not in the configuration. If provided this method will not raise a KeyError nor a TypeError. :type default_value: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Any]] :return: Either the value from the config or the default_value if provided. :rtype: typing.List[typing.Any] :raises: KeyError if the key does not exist and a default_value was not provided. :raises: TypeError if the value exists but is not a dict and a default_value was not provided. """ return self._config.get_config_value_as_list(self._section, key, default_value)
[docs] def get_support_files( self, resource_type: ResourceType = ResourceType.ANY ) -> typing.Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None]: """ Iterates over supporting files embedded within the Nunavut distribution. :param resource_type: The type of support resources to enumerate. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang._language import Language, _GenericLanguage, LanguageClassLoader from unittest.mock import MagicMock mock_config = MagicMock() mock_module_name_ = LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("foo") my_lang = _GenericLanguage(mock_module_name_, mock_config) my_lang._section = LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("not_a_language_really_not_a_language") for support_file in my_lang.get_support_files(): # if the module doesn't exist it shouldn't have any support files. assert False """ _, _, module = self.get_support_module() if module is not None: # All language support modules must provide a list_support_files method # to allow the copy generator access to the packaged support files. list_support_files: typing.Callable[[ResourceType], typing.Generator[pathlib.Path, None, None]] = getattr( module, "list_support_files" ) return list_support_files(resource_type) else: return empty_list_support_files()
[docs] def get_option( self, option_key: str, default_value: typing.Union[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], str, None] = None ) -> typing.Union[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], str, None]: """ Get a language option for this language. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import Language, LanguageContextBuilder options = {'target_endianness': 'little'} lang_cpp = ( LanguageContextBuilder(include_experimental_languages=True) .set_target_language("cpp") .set_target_language_configuration_override(Language.WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS, options) .create() .get_target_language() ) .. code-block:: python # Values can come from defaults... assert lang_cpp.get_option('target_endianness') == 'little' # ... or can come from a sane default. assert lang_cpp.get_option('foobar', 'sane_default') == 'sane_default' :return: Either the value provided to the :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` instance, the value from properties.yaml or the :code:`default_value`. """ try: return self._language_options[option_key] # type: ignore except KeyError: return default_value
[docs] def get_templates_package_name(self) -> str: """ The name of the nunavut python package containing filters, types, and configuration for this language. """ return self._section
[docs] def get_globals(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]: """ Get all values for this language that should be available in a global context. :return: A mapping of global names to global values. """ if self._globals is None: globals_map: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} for key, value in self.named_types.items(): globals_map[f"typename_{key}"] = value for key, value in self.named_values.items(): globals_map[f"valuetoken_{key}"] = value self._globals = self._validate_globals(globals_map) return self._globals
[docs] def get_options(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]: """ Get all language options for this Language. :return: A mapping of option names to option values. """ return self._language_options
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | UNDEFINED LANGUAGE TYPE (concrete) # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ class _GenericLanguage(Language): """ Language type used when the language support within Nunavut does not define a language-specific subclass. Do not use this. Use :class:`nunavut.lang.LanguageClassLoader` which will create the proper object type based on inspection of the Nunavut internals. """ def get_includes(self, dep_types: Dependencies) -> typing.List[str]: return [] # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | LANGUAGE CLASSLOADER # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ class LanguageClassLoader: """ Class loader to resolve concrete :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` types. :param additional_config_files: A list of paths to additional configuration files to load as configuration. These will override any values found in the :file:`` file and files appearing later in this list will override value found in earlier entries. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import LanguageClassLoader, LanguageConfig subject = LanguageClassLoader() c_reserved_identifiers = subject.config.get_config_value( LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("c"), "reserved_identifiers") assert len(c_reserved_identifiers) > 0 """ MODULE_NAME = "nunavut.lang" MODULE_PREFIX = MODULE_NAME + "." MODULE_FORMAT = MODULE_PREFIX + "{}" @classmethod def to_language_name(cls, unknown_string: str) -> str: """ Helper method to take a string that is either a language name or a language module name and always return a language name. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import LanguageClassLoader .. code-block: python assert "c" == LanguageClassLoader.to_language_name("c") assert "c" == LanguageClassLoader.to_language_name("nunavut.lang.c") """ return ( unknown_string[len(cls.MODULE_PREFIX) :] if unknown_string.startswith(cls.MODULE_PREFIX) else unknown_string ) @classmethod def to_language_module_name(cls, unknown_string: str) -> str: """ Helper method to take a string that is either a language name or a language module name and always return a language module name. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import LanguageClassLoader .. code-block: python assert "nunavut.lang.c" == LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("c") assert "nunavut.lang.c" == LanguageClassLoader.to_language_module_name("nunavut.lang.c") """ return ( cls.MODULE_FORMAT.format(unknown_string) if not unknown_string.startswith(cls.MODULE_PREFIX) else unknown_string ) @classmethod def _load_config(cls) -> LanguageConfig: parser = LanguageConfig() for resource in iter_package_resources(cls.MODULE_NAME, ".yaml"): ini_string = resource.read_text() parser.update_from_yaml_string(ini_string) return parser def __init__(self) -> None: self._config: typing.Optional[LanguageConfig] = None @classmethod def load_language_module(cls, language_name: str) -> types.ModuleType: """ Load a language module by name. """ module_name = cls.to_language_module_name(language_name) return importlib.import_module(module_name) @property def config(self) -> LanguageConfig: """ Meta-data about all languages merged from the Nunavut internal defaults and any additional configuration files provided to this class's constructor. """ if self._config is None: self._config = self._load_config() return self._config @functools.lru_cache() def load_language_class(self, language_name: str) -> typing.Tuple[types.ModuleType, typing.Type[Language]]: """ :param str language_name: The name of the language used by the :mod:`nunavut.lang` module. :return: A concrete :class:`nunavut.lang.Language`. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import LanguageClassLoader, Language lang_c_mod, lang_c_cls = LanguageClassLoader().load_language_class('c') assert lang_c_mod.__name__ == 'nunavut.lang.c' assert issubclass(lang_c_cls, Language) """ ln_module = self.load_language_module(language_name) try: language_type = typing.cast(typing.Type["Language"], getattr(ln_module, "Language")) except AttributeError: logging.debug( "Unable to find a Language object in nunavut.lang.%s. Using a Generic language object", language_name ) language_type = _GenericLanguage if language_type == Language: # the language module just imported the base class so let's go ahead and use _GenericLanguage language_type = _GenericLanguage return (ln_module, language_type) def new_language(self, language_name: str, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> Language: """ Instantiate a new language class. This is a helper that reuses the internally held module and :class:`LanguageConfig` to invoke the required :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` constructor. :param str language_name: The name of the language used by the :mod:`nunavut.lang` module. :param kwargs: Opaque arguments passed to the :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` constructor. :return: A new :class:`nunavut.lang.Language` instance. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.lang import LanguageClassLoader .. code-block:: python # Using this helper method: lang_c = LanguageClassLoader().new_language('c') assert == 'c' # Without the helper: loader = LanguageClassLoader() lang_c_module, lang_c_class = loader.load_language_class('c') lang_c = lang_c_class(lang_c_module.__name__, loader.config) assert == 'c' .. invisible-code-block: python # let's go ahead and load the rest of our known, internally supported languages just to raise # test failures right here at the wellspring. lang_py = LanguageClassLoader().new_language('py') assert == 'py' lang_js = LanguageClassLoader().new_language('js') assert == 'js' """ ln_module, ln_class = self.load_language_class(language_name) return ln_class(ln_module.__name__, config=self.config, **kwargs)