Source code for nunavut.jinja

# Copyright (C) OpenCyphal Development Team  <>
# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    jinja-based :class:`~nunavut.generators.AbstractGenerator` implementation.

import abc
import datetime
import io
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import typing

import pydsdl
from yaml import Dumper as YamlDumper
from yaml import dump as yaml_dump

import nunavut._generators
import nunavut._postprocessors
import nunavut.lang
from nunavut._utilities import TEMPLATE_SUFFIX, ResourceSearchPolicy, ResourceType, YesNoDefault

from .environment import CodeGenEnvironmentBuilder
from .jinja2 import Template
from .loaders import DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH, DSDLTemplateLoader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | JINJA : CodeGenerator
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

[docs] class CodeGenerator(nunavut._generators.AbstractGenerator): """ Abstract base class for all Generators that build source code using Jinja templates. :param nunavut.Namespace namespace: The top-level namespace to generates code at and from. :param YesNoDefault generate_namespace_types: Set to YES to emit files for namespaces. NO will suppress namespace file generation and DEFAULT will use the language's preference. :param templates_dir: Directories containing jinja templates. These will be available along with any built-in templates provided by the target language. The templates at these paths will take precedence masking any built-in templates where the names are the same. See :class:`jinja2.ChoiceLoader` for rules on the lookup hierarchy. :type templates_dir: typing.Optional[typing.Union[pathlib.Path,typing.List[pathlib.Path]]] :param support_templates_dir: Directories containing jinja templates for the support files. These will be available along with any built-in templates provided by the target language. The templates at these paths will take precedence masking any built-in templates where the names are the same. See :class:`jinja2.ChoiceLoader` for rules on the lookup hierarchy. :type support_templates_dir: typing.Optional[typing.Union[pathlib.Path,typing.List[pathlib.Path]]] :param bool use_support_templates_dir: If True use the 'support_templates_dir' param for jinja templates, otherwise use the 'templates_dir' param. Defaults to False. :param bool followlinks: If True then symbolic links will be followed when searching for templates. :param bool trim_blocks: If this is set to True the first newline after a block is removed (block, not variable tag!). :param bool lstrip_blocks: If this is set to True leading spaces and tabs are stripped from the start of a line to a block. Defaults to False. :param typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] additional_filters: typing.Optional jinja filters to add to the global environment using the key as the filter name and the callable as the filter. :param typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] additional_tests: typing.Optional jinja tests to add to the global environment using the key as the test name and the callable as the test. :param typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] additional_globals: typing.Optional objects to add to the template environment globals collection. :param post_processors: A list of :class:`nunavut.postprocessors.PostProcessor` :type post_processors: typing.Optional[typing.List[nunavut.postprocessors.PostProcessor]] :param builtin_template_path: If provided overrides the folder name under which built-in templates are loaded from within a target language's package (i.e. ignored if no target language is specified). For example, if the target language is ``c`` and this parameter was set to ``foo`` then built-in templates would be loaded from ````. :param package_name_for_templates: If provided then the generator will look for templates within the given package name if a template is not found under a given filesystem path first (see templates_dir parameter). :raises RuntimeError: If any additional filter or test attempts to replace a built-in or otherwise already defined filter or test. """ @staticmethod def __augment_post_processors_with_ln_limit_empty_lines( post_processors: typing.Optional[typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]], limit_empty_lines: int ) -> typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]: """ Subroutine of _handle_post_processors method. """ from nunavut._postprocessors import LimitEmptyLines # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if post_processors is None: post_processors = [LimitEmptyLines(limit_empty_lines)] else: found_pp = False for pp in post_processors: if isinstance(pp, LimitEmptyLines): found_pp = True break if not found_pp: post_processors.append(LimitEmptyLines(limit_empty_lines)) return post_processors @staticmethod def __augment_post_processors_with_ln_trim_trailing_whitespace( post_processors: typing.Optional[typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]], ) -> typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]: """ Subroutine of _handle_post_processors method. """ from nunavut._postprocessors import TrimTrailingWhitespace # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if post_processors is None: post_processors = [TrimTrailingWhitespace()] else: found_pp = False for pp in post_processors: if isinstance(pp, TrimTrailingWhitespace): found_pp = True break if not found_pp: post_processors.append(TrimTrailingWhitespace()) return post_processors @classmethod def _handle_post_processors( cls, target_language: "nunavut.lang.Language", post_processors: typing.Optional[typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]], ) -> typing.Optional[typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]]: """ Used by constructor to process an optional list of post-processors and to augment or create this list if needed to support language options. """ try: limit_empty_lines = target_language.get_config_value("limit_empty_lines") post_processors = cls.__augment_post_processors_with_ln_limit_empty_lines( post_processors, int(limit_empty_lines) ) except KeyError: pass if target_language.get_config_value_as_bool("trim_trailing_whitespace"): post_processors = cls.__augment_post_processors_with_ln_trim_trailing_whitespace(post_processors) return post_processors def __init__( self, namespace: nunavut.Namespace, generate_namespace_types: YesNoDefault = YesNoDefault.DEFAULT, templates_dir: typing.Optional[typing.Union[pathlib.Path, typing.List[pathlib.Path]]] = None, support_templates_dir: typing.Optional[typing.Union[pathlib.Path, typing.List[pathlib.Path]]] = None, use_support_templates_dir: bool = False, followlinks: bool = False, trim_blocks: bool = False, lstrip_blocks: bool = False, additional_filters: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable]] = None, additional_tests: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable]] = None, additional_globals: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, post_processors: typing.Optional[typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.PostProcessor"]] = None, builtin_template_path: str = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH, package_name_for_templates: typing.Optional[str] = None, search_policy: ResourceSearchPolicy = ResourceSearchPolicy.FIND_ALL, ): super().__init__(namespace, generate_namespace_types) if templates_dir is not None and not isinstance(templates_dir, list): templates_dir = [templates_dir] if support_templates_dir is not None and not isinstance(support_templates_dir, list): support_templates_dir = [support_templates_dir] language_context = self._namespace.get_language_context() target_language = language_context.get_target_language() if package_name_for_templates is None: package_name_for_templates = target_language.get_templates_package_name() self._dsdl_template_loader = DSDLTemplateLoader( templates_dirs=support_templates_dir if use_support_templates_dir else templates_dir, package_name_for_templates=package_name_for_templates, followlinks=followlinks, builtin_template_path=builtin_template_path, search_policy=search_policy, ) self._post_processors = self._handle_post_processors(target_language, post_processors) env_builder = ( CodeGenEnvironmentBuilder(self._dsdl_template_loader, language_context) .set_trim_blocks(trim_blocks) .set_lstrip_blocks(lstrip_blocks) ) if additional_filters is not None: env_builder.add_filters(**additional_filters) if additional_tests is not None: env_builder.add_tests(**additional_tests) if additional_globals is not None: env_builder.add_globals(**additional_globals) self._env = env_builder.create() @property def dsdl_loader(self) -> DSDLTemplateLoader: """ The template loader used by this generator. """ return self._dsdl_template_loader @property def language_context(self) -> nunavut.lang.LanguageContext: """ The language context used by this generator. """ return self._namespace.get_language_context() # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PROTECTED # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def _handle_overwrite(self, output_path: pathlib.Path, allow_overwrite: bool) -> None: if output_path.exists(): if allow_overwrite: output_path.chmod(output_path.stat().st_mode | 0o220) else: raise PermissionError("{output_path} exists and allow_overwrite is False.") # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | AbstractGenerator # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def get_templates(self, omit_serialization_support: bool = False) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: """ Enumerate all templates found in the templates path. :data:`~TEMPLATE_SUFFIX` as the suffix for the filename. :return: A list of paths to all templates found by this Generator object. """ return self._dsdl_template_loader.get_templates()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_all( self, is_dryrun: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, omit_serialization_support: bool = False, embed_auditing_info: bool = False, ) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: raise NotImplementedError()
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PRIVATE # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ @staticmethod def _filter_and_write_line( line_and_lineend: typing.Tuple[str, str], output_file: typing.TextIO, line_pps: typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor"], ) -> None: for line_pp in line_pps: line_and_lineend = line_pp(line_and_lineend) if line_and_lineend is None: raise ValueError( "line post processor must return a 2-tuple. To elide a line return a tuple of empty" "strings. None is not a valid value." ) output_file.write(line_and_lineend[0]) output_file.write(line_and_lineend[1]) @classmethod def _generate_with_line_buffer( cls, output_file: typing.TextIO, template_gen: typing.Generator[str, None, None], line_pps: typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor"], ) -> None: newline_pattern = re.compile(r"\n|\r\n", flags=re.MULTILINE) line_buffer = io.StringIO() for part in template_gen: search_pos = 0 # type: int match_obj =, search_pos) while True: if search_pos < 0 or search_pos >= len(part): break if match_obj is None: line_buffer.write(part[search_pos:]) break # We have a newline line_buffer.write(part[search_pos : match_obj.start()]) newline_chars = part[match_obj.start() : match_obj.end()] line = line_buffer.getvalue() # type: str line_buffer = io.StringIO() cls._filter_and_write_line((line, newline_chars), output_file, line_pps) search_pos = match_obj.end() match_obj =, search_pos) remainder = line_buffer.getvalue() if len(remainder) > 0: cls._filter_and_write_line((remainder, ""), output_file, line_pps) def _generate_code( self, output_path: pathlib.Path, template: Template, template_gen: typing.Generator[str, None, None], allow_overwrite: bool, ) -> None: """ Logic that should run from _generate_type iff is_dryrun is False. """ self._env.now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() from ..lang._common import UniqueNameGenerator # reset the name generator state for this type UniqueNameGenerator.reset() # Predetermine the post processor types. line_pps = [] # type: typing.List['nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor'] file_pps = [] # type: typing.List['nunavut._postprocessors.FilePostProcessor'] if self._post_processors is not None: for pp in self._post_processors: if isinstance(pp, nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor): line_pps.append(pp) elif isinstance(pp, nunavut._postprocessors.FilePostProcessor): file_pps.append(pp) else: raise ValueError(f"PostProcessor type {type(pp)} is unknown.") logger.debug("Using post-processors: %r %r", line_pps, file_pps) self._handle_overwrite(output_path, allow_overwrite) output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(str(output_path), "w", encoding="utf-8") as output_file: if len(line_pps) > 0: # The logic gets much more complex when doing line post-processing. self._generate_with_line_buffer(output_file, template_gen, line_pps) else: for part in template_gen: output_file.write(part) for file_pp in file_pps: output_path = file_pp(output_path)
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | JINJA : DSDLCodeGenerator # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] class DSDLCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator): """ :class:`~CodeGenerator` implementation that generates code for a given set of DSDL types. """ # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | JINJA : filters # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_yamlfy(value: typing.Any) -> str: """ Filter to, optionally, emit a dump of the dsdl input as a yaml document. Available as ``yamlfy`` in all template environments. Example:: /* {{ T | yamlfy }} */ Result Example (truncated for brevity):: /* !!python/object:pydsdl.StructureType _attributes: - !!python/object:pydsdl.Field _serializable: !!python/object:pydsdl.UnsignedIntegerType _bit_length: 16 _cast_mode: &id001 !!python/object/apply:pydsdl.CastMode - 0 _name: value */ :param value: The input value to parse as yaml. :return: If a yaml parser is available, a pretty dump of the given value as yaml. If a yaml parser is not available then an empty string is returned. """ return str(yaml_dump(value, Dumper=YamlDumper))
[docs] def filter_type_to_template(self, value: typing.Any) -> str: """ Template for type resolution as a filter. Available as ``type_to_template`` in all template environments. Example:: {%- for attribute in T.attributes %} {%* include attribute.data_type | type_to_template %} {%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {%- endfor %} :param value: The input value to change into a template include path. :return: A path to a template named for the type with :data:`TEMPLATE_SUFFIX` """ result = self.dsdl_loader.type_to_template(type(value)) if result is None: raise RuntimeError(f"No template found for type {value}") return
[docs] def filter_type_to_include_path(self, value: typing.Any, resolve: bool = False) -> str: """ Emits an include path to the output target for a given type. Example:: # include "{{ T.my_type | type_to_include_path }}" Result Example: # include "foo/bar/my_type.h" :param typing.Any value: The type to emit an include for. :param bool resolve: If True the path returned will be absolute else the path will be relative to the folder of the root namespace. :return: A string path to output file for the type. """ include_path = self.namespace.find_output_path_for_type(value) if resolve: return include_path.resolve().as_posix() else: return include_path.relative_to(self.namespace.output_folder.parent).as_posix()
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_typename(value: typing.Any) -> str: """ Filters a given token as its type name. Available as ``typename`` in all template environments. This example supposes that ``T.some_value == "some string"`` Example:: {{ T.some_value | typename }} Result Example:: str :param value: The input value to filter into a type name. :return: The ``__name__`` of the python type. """ return type(value).__name__
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_alignment_prefix(offset: pydsdl.BitLengthSet) -> str: """ Provides a string prefix based on a given :class:`pydsdl.BitLengthSet`. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator import pydsdl .. code-block:: python # Given B = pydsdl.BitLengthSet(32) # and template = '{{ B | alignment_prefix }}' # outputs rendered = 'aligned' .. invisible-code-block: python jinja_filter_tester(DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_alignment_prefix, template, rendered, 'py', B=B) .. code-block:: python # Given B = pydsdl.BitLengthSet(32) B += 1 # and template = '{{ B | alignment_prefix }}' # outputs rendered = 'unaligned' .. invisible-code-block: python jinja_filter_tester(DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_alignment_prefix, template, rendered, 'py', B=B) :param pydsdl.BitLengthSet offset: A bit length set to test for alignment. :return: 'aligned' or 'unaligned' based on the state of the ``offset`` argument. """ if isinstance(offset, pydsdl.BitLengthSet): return "aligned" if offset.is_aligned_at_byte() else "unaligned" else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError(f"Expected BitLengthSet, got {type(offset).__name__}")
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_bit_length_set(values: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Iterable[int], int]]) -> pydsdl.BitLengthSet: """ Convert an integer or a list of integers into a :class:`pydsdl.BitLengthSet`. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator import pydsdl assert type(DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bit_length_set(23)) == pydsdl.BitLengthSet """ return pydsdl.BitLengthSet(values)
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_remove_blank_lines(text: str) -> str: """ Remove blank lines from the supplied string. Lines that contain only whitespace characters are also considered blank. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator import pydsdl .. code-block:: python # Given text = '''123 456 \t \v\f 789''' # and template = '{{ text | remove_blank_lines }}' # then the black lines will be removed leaving... rendered = '''123 456 789''' .. invisible-code-block: python jinja_filter_tester(DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_remove_blank_lines, template, rendered, 'c', text=text) """ return re.sub(r"\n([ \t\f\v]*\n)+", r"\n", text)
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_bits2bytes_ceil(n_bits: int) -> int: """ Implements ``int(ceil(x/8)) | x >= 0``. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator assert DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bits2bytes_ceil(50) == 7 assert DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bits2bytes_ceil(8) == 1 assert DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bits2bytes_ceil(7) == 1 assert DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bits2bytes_ceil(1) == 1 assert DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_bits2bytes_ceil(0) == 0 """ if n_bits < 0: raise ValueError("The number of bits cannot be negative") return (int(n_bits) + 7) // 8
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_text_table( data: typing.Dict, start_each_line: str, column_sep: str = " : ", line_end: str = "\n" ) -> str: """ Create a text table from a dictionary of data. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator import pydsdl .. code-block:: python # Given table = { "banana": "yellow", "apple": "red", "grape": "purple" } # and template = ''' {{ table | text_table("// ", " | ", "\\n") }}''' # then rendered = ''' // banana | yellow // apple | red // grape | purple''' .. invisible-code-block: python jinja_filter_tester(DSDLCodeGenerator.filter_text_table, template, rendered, 'c', table=table) """ # Find the longest key to set the width of the first column key_width = max(len(key) for key in data.keys()) output = [] for key, value in data.items(): output.append(f"{start_each_line}{key:<{key_width}}{column_sep}{value}".rstrip()) return line_end.join(output)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | JINJA : tests # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] @staticmethod def is_None(value: typing.Any) -> bool: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tests if a value is ``None`` .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_None(None) is True assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_None(1) is False """ return value is None
[docs] @staticmethod def is_saturated(t: pydsdl.PrimitiveType) -> bool: """ Tests if a type is a saturated type or not. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pydsdl import pytest saturated_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.PrimitiveType) saturated_mock.cast_mode = pydsdl.PrimitiveType.CastMode.SATURATED assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_saturated(saturated_mock) is True truncated_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.PrimitiveType) truncated_mock.cast_mode = pydsdl.PrimitiveType.CastMode.TRUNCATED assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_saturated(truncated_mock) is False with pytest.raises(TypeError): DSDLCodeGenerator.is_saturated(MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.SerializableType)) """ if isinstance(t, pydsdl.PrimitiveType): return { pydsdl.PrimitiveType.CastMode.SATURATED: True, pydsdl.PrimitiveType.CastMode.TRUNCATED: False, }[t.cast_mode] else: raise TypeError("Cast mode is not defined for {}".format(type(t).__name__))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_service_request(instance: pydsdl.Any) -> bool: """ Tests if a type is request type of a service type. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pydsdl service_request_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.SerializableType) service_request_mock.has_parent_service = True service_request_mock.full_name = '' assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_request(service_request_mock) is True service_request_mock.has_parent_service = False assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_request(service_request_mock) is False service_request_mock.has_parent_service = True service_request_mock.full_name = '' assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_request(service_request_mock) is False """ return instance.has_parent_service and instance.full_name.split(".")[-1] == "Request" # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def is_service_response(instance: pydsdl.Any) -> bool: """ Tests if a type is response type of a service type. .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pydsdl service_request_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.SerializableType) service_request_mock.has_parent_service = True service_request_mock.full_name = '' assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_response(service_request_mock) is True service_request_mock.has_parent_service = False assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_response(service_request_mock) is False service_request_mock.has_parent_service = True service_request_mock.full_name = '' assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_service_response(service_request_mock) is False """ return instance.has_parent_service and instance.full_name.split(".")[-1] == "Response" # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def is_deprecated(instance: pydsdl.Any) -> bool: """ Tests if a type is marked as deprecated .. invisible-code-block: python from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pydsdl composite_type_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.CompositeType) composite_type_mock.deprecated = True assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_deprecated(composite_type_mock) is True array_type_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.ArrayType) array_type_mock.element_type = composite_type_mock assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_deprecated(array_type_mock) is True other_type_mock = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.SerializableType) assert DSDLCodeGenerator.is_deprecated(other_type_mock) is False """ if isinstance(instance, pydsdl.CompositeType): return instance.deprecated # type: ignore elif isinstance(instance, pydsdl.ArrayType) and isinstance(instance.element_type, pydsdl.CompositeType): return instance.element_type.deprecated # type: ignore else: return False
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def __init__(self, namespace: nunavut.Namespace, **kwargs: typing.Any): # set the search policy so we ignore the internal templates iff a filesystem # path is provided to the generator. super().__init__(namespace, search_policy=ResourceSearchPolicy.FIND_FIRST, **kwargs) for test_name, test in self._create_all_dsdl_tests().items(): self._env.add_test(test_name, test) self._env.add_conventional_methods_to_environment(self) # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | AbstractGenerator # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def generate_all( self, is_dryrun: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, omit_serialization_support: bool = False, embed_auditing_info: bool = False, ) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: generated = [] # type: typing.List[pathlib.Path] self._env.update_nunavut_globals( *self.language_context.get_target_language().get_support_module(), omit_serialization_support, embed_auditing_info, ) provider = self.namespace.get_all_types if self.generate_namespace_types else self.namespace.get_all_datatypes for parsed_type, output_path in provider():"Generating: %s", parsed_type) generated.append(self._generate_type(parsed_type, output_path, is_dryrun, allow_overwrite)) return generated
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | PRIVATE # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ @classmethod def _create_instance_tests_for_type(cls, root: pydsdl.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable]: tests = dict() def _field_is_instance(field_or_datatype: pydsdl.Any) -> bool: if isinstance(field_or_datatype, pydsdl.Attribute): return isinstance(field_or_datatype.data_type, root) else: return isinstance(field_or_datatype, root) tests[root.__name__] = _field_is_instance root_name_lower = root.__name__.lower() if len(root_name_lower) > 4 and root_name_lower.endswith("type"): tests[root_name_lower[:-4]] = _field_is_instance elif len(root_name_lower) > 5 and root_name_lower.endswith("field"): tests[root_name_lower[:-5]] = _field_is_instance else: tests[root_name_lower] = _field_is_instance for derived in root.__subclasses__(): tests.update(cls._create_instance_tests_for_type(derived)) return tests @classmethod def _create_all_dsdl_tests(cls) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Callable]: """ Create a collection of jinja tests for all base dsdl types. .. invisible-code-block: python import pydsdl from unittest.mock import MagicMock from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator test_set = DSDLCodeGenerator._create_all_dsdl_tests() def _do_pydsdl_instance_test_test(pydsdl_obj, test_name): if not test_set[test_name](pydsdl_obj): raise AssertionError(test_name) def _do_pydsdl_instance_test_tests(pydsdl_type): mock_instance = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl_type) _do_pydsdl_instance_test_test(mock_instance, pydsdl_type.__name__) if pydsdl_type.__name__.endswith('Type'): _do_pydsdl_instance_test_test(mock_instance, pydsdl_type.__name__[:-4].lower()) if pydsdl_type.__name__.endswith('Field'): _do_pydsdl_instance_test_test(mock_instance, pydsdl_type.__name__[:-5].lower()) mock_attribute = MagicMock(spec=pydsdl.Attribute) mock_attribute.data_type = mock_instance _do_pydsdl_instance_test_test(mock_attribute, pydsdl_type.__name__) _do_pydsdl_instance_test_tests(pydsdl.SerializableType) _do_pydsdl_instance_test_tests(pydsdl.PrimitiveType) _do_pydsdl_instance_test_tests(pydsdl.IntegerType) _do_pydsdl_instance_test_tests(pydsdl.ServiceType) """ all_tests = dict() all_tests.update(cls._create_instance_tests_for_type(pydsdl.SerializableType)) all_tests.update(cls._create_instance_tests_for_type(pydsdl.Attribute)) return all_tests def _generate_type( self, input_type: pydsdl.CompositeType, output_path: pathlib.Path, is_dryrun: bool, allow_overwrite: bool ) -> pathlib.Path: template_name = self.filter_type_to_template(input_type) template = self._env.get_template(template_name) template_gen = template.generate(T=input_type) if not is_dryrun: self._generate_code(output_path, template, template_gen, allow_overwrite) return output_path
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | JINJA : SupportGenerator # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] class SupportGenerator(CodeGenerator): """ Generates output files by copying them from within the Nunavut package itself for non templates but uses jinja to generate headers from templates with the language environment provided but no ``T`` (DSDL type) global set. This generator always copies files from those returned by the ``file_iterator`` to locations under :func:`nunavut.Namespace.get_support_output_folder()` """ def __init__(self, namespace: nunavut.Namespace, **kwargs: typing.Any): kwargs.update(use_support_templates_dir=True) super().__init__(namespace, builtin_template_path="support", **kwargs) target_language = self.language_context.get_target_language() # Create the sub-folder to copy-to based on the support namespace. self._sub_folders = pathlib.Path("") for namespace_part in target_language.support_namespace: self._sub_folders = self._sub_folders / pathlib.Path(namespace_part) # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | AbstractGenerator # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def get_templates(self, omit_serialization_support: bool = False) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: files = [] if not omit_serialization_support: for resource in self._get_templates_by_support_type(ResourceType.SERIALIZATION_SUPPORT): files.append(resource) for resource in self._get_templates_by_support_type(ResourceType.TYPE_SUPPORT): files.append(resource) return files
[docs] def generate_all( self, is_dryrun: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, omit_serialization_support: bool = False, embed_auditing_info: bool = False, ) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: target_language = self.language_context.get_target_language() self._env.update_nunavut_globals( *target_language.get_support_module(), omit_serialization_support, embed_auditing_info ) target_path = pathlib.Path(self.namespace.get_support_output_folder()) / self._sub_folders line_pps = [] # type: typing.List['nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor'] file_pps = [] # type: typing.List['nunavut._postprocessors.FilePostProcessor'] if self._post_processors is not None: for pp in self._post_processors: if isinstance(pp, nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor): line_pps.append(pp) elif isinstance(pp, nunavut._postprocessors.FilePostProcessor): file_pps.append(pp) else: raise ValueError("PostProcessor type {} is unknown.".format(type(pp))) generated = [] # type: typing.List[pathlib.Path] for resource in self.get_templates(omit_serialization_support): target = (target_path /"Generating support file: %s", target) if resource.suffix == TEMPLATE_SUFFIX: self._generate_header(resource, target, is_dryrun, allow_overwrite) generated.append(target) else: self._copy_header(resource, target, is_dryrun, allow_overwrite, line_pps, file_pps) generated.append(target) return generated
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Private # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def _get_templates_by_support_type(self, resource_type: ResourceType) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: files = [] target_language = self.language_context.get_target_language() for resource in target_language.get_support_files(resource_type): files.append(resource) return files def _generate_header( self, template_path: pathlib.Path, output_path: pathlib.Path, is_dryrun: bool, allow_overwrite: bool ) -> pathlib.Path: template = self._env.get_template( template_gen = template.generate() if not is_dryrun: self._generate_code(output_path, template, template_gen, allow_overwrite) return output_path def _copy_header( self, resource: pathlib.Path, target: pathlib.Path, is_dryrun: bool, allow_overwrite: bool, line_pps: typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor"], file_pps: typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.FilePostProcessor"], ) -> pathlib.Path: if not is_dryrun: self._handle_overwrite(target, allow_overwrite) target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if len(line_pps) == 0: shutil.copy(str(resource), str(target)) else: self._copy_header_using_line_pps(resource, target, line_pps) for file_pp in file_pps: target = file_pp(target) return target def _copy_header_using_line_pps( self, resource: pathlib.Path, target: pathlib.Path, line_pps: typing.List["nunavut._postprocessors.LinePostProcessor"], ) -> None: with open(str(target), "w", encoding="utf-8") as target_file: with open(str(resource), "r", encoding="utf-8") as resource_file: for resource_line in resource_file: if len(resource_line) > 1 and resource_line[-2] == "\r": resource_line_tuple = (resource_line[0:-2], "\r\n") else: resource_line_tuple = (resource_line[0:-1], "\n") for line_pp in line_pps: resource_line_tuple = line_pp(resource_line_tuple) target_file.write(resource_line_tuple[0]) target_file.write(resource_line_tuple[1])