Source code for nunavut._generators

# Copyright (C) OpenCyphal Development Team  <>
# Copyright Inc. or its affiliates.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Module containing types and utilities for building generator objects.
Generators abstract the code generation technology used to transform
pydsdl AST into source code.

import abc
import pathlib
import typing

from pydsdl import read_namespace as read_dsdl_namespace

from nunavut._namespace import Namespace, build_namespace_tree
from nunavut._utilities import YesNoDefault
from nunavut.lang import LanguageContextBuilder
from nunavut.lang._language import Language

[docs] class AbstractGenerator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for classes that generate source file output from a given pydsdl parser result. :param nunavut.Namespace namespace: The top-level namespace to generates types at and from. :param YesNoDefault generate_namespace_types: Set to YES to force generation files for namespaces and NO to suppress. DEFAULT will generate namespace files based on the language preference. """ def __init__( self, namespace: Namespace, generate_namespace_types: YesNoDefault = YesNoDefault.DEFAULT, ): self._namespace = namespace if generate_namespace_types == YesNoDefault.YES: self._generate_namespace_types = True elif generate_namespace_types == YesNoDefault.NO: self._generate_namespace_types = False else: target_language = self._namespace.get_language_context().get_target_language() if target_language.has_standard_namespace_files: self._generate_namespace_types = True else: self._generate_namespace_types = False @property def namespace(self) -> Namespace: """ The root :class:`nunavut.Namespace` for this generator. """ return self._namespace @property def generate_namespace_types(self) -> bool: """ If true then the generator is set to emit files for :class:`nunavut.Namespace` in addition to the pydsdl datatypes. If false then only files for pydsdl datatypes will be generated. """ return self._generate_namespace_types
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_templates(self, omit_serialization_support: bool = False) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: """ Enumerate all templates found in the templates path. :param bool omit_serialization_support: If True then templates needed only for serialization will be omitted. :return: A list of paths to all templates found by this Generator object. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_all( self, is_dryrun: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, omit_serialization_support: bool = False, embed_auditing_info: bool = False, ) -> typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]: """ Generates all output for a given :class:`nunavut.Namespace` and using the templates found by this object. :param bool is_dryrun: If True then no output files will actually be written but all other operations will be performed. :param bool allow_overwrite: If True then the generator will attempt to overwrite any existing files it encounters. If False then the generator will raise an error if the output file exists and the generation is not a dry-run. :param bool omit_serialization_support: If True then the generator will emit only types without additional serialization and deserialization support and logic. :param embed_auditing_info: If True then additional information about the inputs and environment used to generate source will be embedded in the generated files at the cost of build reproducibility. :return: 0 for success. Non-zero for errors. :raises: PermissionError if :attr:`allow_overwrite` is False and the file exists. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def create_default_generators( namespace: Namespace, **kwargs: typing.Any ) -> typing.Tuple["AbstractGenerator", "AbstractGenerator"]: """ Create the two generators used by Nunavut; a code-generator and a support-library generator. :param nunavut.Namespace namespace: The namespace to generate code within. :param kwargs: A list of arguments that are forwarded to the generator constructors. :return: Tuple with the first item being the code-generator and the second the support-library generator. """ from nunavut.jinja import DSDLCodeGenerator, SupportGenerator # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return (DSDLCodeGenerator(namespace, **kwargs), SupportGenerator(namespace, **kwargs)) # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | GENERATION HELPERS # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
[docs] def generate_types( language_key: str, root_namespace_dir: pathlib.Path, out_dir: pathlib.Path, omit_serialization_support: bool = True, is_dryrun: bool = False, allow_overwrite: bool = True, lookup_directories: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] = None, allow_unregulated_fixed_port_id: bool = False, language_options: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None, include_experimental_languages: bool = False, embed_auditing_info: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Helper method that uses default settings and built-in templates to generate types for a given language. This method is the most direct way to generate code using Nunavut. :param str language_key: The name of the language to generate source for. See the :doc:`../../docs/templates` for details on available language support. :param pathlib.Path root_namespace_dir: The path to the root of the DSDL types to generate code for. :param pathlib.Path out_dir: The path to generate code at and under. :param bool omit_serialization_support: If True then logic used to serialize and deserialize data is omitted. :param bool is_dryrun: If True then nothing is generated but all other activity is performed and any errors that would have occurred are reported. :param bool allow_overwrite: If True then generated files are allowed to overwrite existing files under the `out_dir` path. :param typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[str]] lookup_directories: Additional directories to search for dependent types referenced by the types provided under the `root_namespace_dir`. Types will not be generated for these unless they are used by a type in the root namespace. :param bool allow_unregulated_fixed_port_id: If True then errors will become warning when using fixed port identifiers for unregulated datatypes. :param typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] language_options: Opaque arguments passed through to the language objects. The supported arguments and valid values are different depending on the language specified by the `language_key` parameter. :param bool include_experimental_languages: If true then experimental languages will also be available. :param embed_auditing_info: If True then additional information about the inputs and environment used to generate source will be embedded in the generated files at the cost of build reproducibility. """ if language_options is None: language_options = {} language_context = ( LanguageContextBuilder(include_experimental_languages=include_experimental_languages) .set_target_language(language_key) .set_target_language_configuration_override(Language.WKCV_LANGUAGE_OPTIONS, language_options) .create() ) if lookup_directories is None: lookup_directories = [] type_map = read_dsdl_namespace( str(root_namespace_dir), lookup_directories, allow_unregulated_fixed_port_id=allow_unregulated_fixed_port_id ) namespace = build_namespace_tree(type_map, str(root_namespace_dir), str(out_dir), language_context) generator, support_generator = create_default_generators(namespace) support_generator.generate_all(is_dryrun, allow_overwrite, omit_serialization_support, embed_auditing_info) generator.generate_all(is_dryrun, allow_overwrite, omit_serialization_support, embed_auditing_info)